Monday 1 April 2013


More and more country now abolish CW, Malaysia MCMC ada nak buat macam tu ??


Di Indonesia berita terkini mengatakan bahawa akan di ujudkan kelas yang baru iaitu YH yang akan diberikan kepada operator radio tanpa perlu menduduki sebarang pepriksaan selama 2 tahun, dalam masa 2 tahun ini mereka perlu belajar selok belok radio amateur untuk menduduki ujian radio amateur selepas itu. Yang paling penting mereka dibenarkan dan boleh menggunakan Frequency HF !. Ada MCMC nak buat macam tu ???. Jadilah  KATAK BAWAH TEMPURUNG itu lebih baik bagi operator Ham radio di Malaysia !. Semua 9M2 lebih suka operator radio amateur di Malaysia jadi macam tu. Kata mereka (9M2) apa kita nak ikut Indonesia ! kalau nak main HF belajarlah morse, ambil uijian !.
Nasib kita lah wahai operator ham radio di Malaysia kerana kita berada dikalangan
orang-orang yang sombong dan lebih suka jadi KATAK BAWAH TEMPURUNG !tak mahu ambil tahu dan mengikuti suasana perkembangan radio amateur dan halatuju ham radio negara luar.

So - what is Amateur Radio?

We can see from any artical regarding to the Amateur, that Amateur radio is purely for personal reasons - self-training and investigations combined with intercommunication. No mention of monitoring for distress calls or HAVING to use a mode like CW that suits the deaf or any other of the usual pathetic arguments peddled by the pro-Morse-testing lobby. Without any of the reasoning behind S25.5 being given, we are free to argue it's relevance in these modern times, in the light of the internet, satellites, and other technologies that freely permit international communication - even 50MHz, cross-border VHF/UHF or CB!
We do not need to be able to understand any requests to QSY on PRIMARY bands, and given that Morse is no longer widely used by any other service this makes proficiency in Morse unecessary from that angle. It could even be argued that the clause "receive correctly by ear, texts in Morse code" could well be re-negotiated to "receive correctly by ear or automatic apparatus, texts in Morse code" to allow the computer to take the strain. Consider that Morse was actually originally designed to be sent and read by machine - operators found they could do the job easier themselves but that is irrelevant to today's issue of Amateur access to HF.